Childhood eczema Q&A event for pharmacy staff (March 25th 2021)
From Natasha Rogers
From Natasha Rogers
Please view the accompanying information sheet
00:00 Introduction
07:10 How to tell whether the skin condition is eczema
How long is eczema likely to last?
Diagnosing eczema - skin of colour.
Appearance of eczema in babies.
Is psoriasis always symmetrical?
Can eczema get worse during puberty?
What signs can a pharmacist look out for to know whether a patient needs extra help?
21:15 Use of treatments for eczema
How to choose an emollient.
How long can patients use topical corticosteroids for and how long do they take to work?
What are the treatment options for severe eczema e.g., scaring and lichenification?
What can you do to prevent staining with emollients?
Can hydrocortisone be used on the face for very long periods?
Which should be used first topical steroids or moisturizers?
How do you explain the risk and benefits of topical steroids? Do they affect growth?
What can be done about eczema around the eyes?
Should topical corticosteroids be used on the face?
Side effects of topical steroids.
44:00 Lifestyle factors – allergy and potential causes of eczema
Cow's milk allergy and eczema.
What advice can you give about eczema which occurs due to handwashing to prevent COVID transmission?
Can Dermol 500 be used as a hand sanitiser?
Is eczema becoming more common or are we getting better at diagnosing it?