In this video Professor Paul Crawford presents the Madness & Literature Network's seminar on Mental Illness and Creativity, featuring the respected authors Patrick Gale and Paul Sayer.
Presentation produced and delivered May 2009
Suitable for: Undergraduate Study and Community Education
Professor Paul Crawford, School of Midwifery & Physiotherapy
Professor Paul Crawford holds a personal chair in Health Humanities at the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Physiotherapy at the University of Nottingham. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Professorial Fellow of the Institute of Mental Health and Visiting Professor of Health Communication at both the Medical Faculty, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, and the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. He is Co-Founder (with Professor Ron Carter) and chair of the Health Language Research Group at the University of Nottingham, bringing together academics and clinicians to advance applied linguistics in health care settings. In 2008 he was awarded a Lord Dearing Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Crawford’s scholarship in the core areas of literature, linguistics, mental health and the philosophy of research has gained attention at national and international levels, particularly in Canada, North America, Europe and Australia. He has originated and led interdisciplinary, innovative projects that advance multi-modal and pragmatic approaches to health language study and health humanities generally.