Hear from Georgia Thermou, Assistant Professor in…
Join Dr Charlie Heron, Dr David Hargreaves and…
Hear what Feroz and Jolene have to say about…
Hear what our students have to say about studying…
What is FEPS? Feroz lets you in on exactly what…
Our research experts and impressive facilities…
Our alumni Anna and Mark answer your questions…
Our alumni Anna and Mark answer your questions…
Grace Pownall, undergraduate studying Civil…
Take a look at a typical day for our…
Imagine a typical day in our Civil Engineering…
Some of our Engineering students explain why…
You could find the perfect course at…
Mohamed talks about the variety of topics that…
Austin explains why staff in the department are…
Undergraduate civil engineering student, Munshif…
Undergraduate student, Joseph Heng Si Zhou, talks…
Postgraduate student, Nuhaa Tegally, talks about…
Undergraduate civil engineering student, Sattyam…
Civil engineering undergraduate student, Muhammad…
Mohamed talks about the variety of topics that…