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Prof. Tom O’Loughlin examines what is meant by the word ‘myth’
when used by theologians and he argues that myths are sets of symbols that are
transparent for transfinite…
Prof. Tom O’Loughlin examines what is meant by the word
‘codex’ and how this was the characteristic book-form in early Christianity.Other entries in the A-Z of Theology playlist…
Prof. Tom O’Loughlin introduces the document known in studies of the gospel as “Q”. Q refers to the material that is common to the gospels of Matthew and Luke (apart from the…
Prof. Tom O’Loughlin examines the various meanings of the word ‘disciple’ in early Christian discourse. #a2zoftheology
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Dr Barbara Allen, Lecturer in public policy talks about Public Policy and the study of public policy in our A-Z of the School of Sociology and Social Policy series.