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Associate Professor Tanvir discusses the importance of role models within Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Explore EDI within the faculty of engineering:…
Dr Musharraf Hussain introduces the basic beliefs of Islam and explores the belief iman with Dr Jon Hoover. This is the first in a series of videos examining Muslim belief in God, Angels, Books,…
Dr Musharraf Hussain speaks about Islamic belief in Prophets with Dr Jon Hoover. Dr Hussain defines the role of the Prophets, distinguishes between a prophet (nabi) and a messenger (rasul), explains…
Dr Musharraf Hussain discusses Islamic belief in predestination with Dr Jon Hoover, exploring God's all-knowing creation of all things, the relation between human free choice and God's…
In the second of two videos, Dr Musharraf Hussain speaks about sin and intercession in Islamic belief with Dr Jon Hoover. The discussion takes up the questions of major and minor sins, God's…
In the first of two videos, Dr Musharraf Hussain discusses Islamic belief in the Last Day with Dr Jon Hoover. Dr Hussain traces the events of the Last Day from human death to the grave and on to the…
Dr Musharraf Hussain, speaks about Islamic belief in God with Dr Jon Hoover. They discuss the relationships between the one God and His many attributes and between God's mercy and God's…
Dr Musharraf Hussain, talks about the Islamic belief in Books with Dr Jon Hoover. The Books are revelations given to prophets, especially the Qur'an. The discussion extends to the verses of the…
Dr Musharraf Hussain, speaks with Dr Jon Hoover about the Islamic belief in angels, God's agents through which He rules the world. The conversation extends to Gabriel, the angel of revelation,…
Dr Musharef Hussain, an Iman in Nottingham, explains what happens during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. During this month one of the most obvious practices is that of fasting during the hours of…
Dr Musharraf Hussain, the Chief Imam in the Karimia Institute in Nottingham, describes the significance of the first month of the Islamic Year: Muharam. During it Moslems remember the migration of…