Search for tag: "scriptures"

Why Study Theology with Dr Marian Kelsey

Dr Marian Kelsey answers the age-old question; "Why Study Theology?" with an argument that Biblical Studies is actually far more interesting than Theology! The image used in the thumbnail…

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Why Study The Aftermath of the Flood in Genesis 8

Dr Tarah van de Weile examines the Genesis story of the aftermath of Noah’s flood. She shows us the complexity of the storyteller’s design and how he want to convey the goodness and order…

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 12 plays 0  

Firth Seminar 2018 - Professor John Barclay

Every two years the University of Nottingham appoints an eminent theologian to deliver the Firth Lectures which comprise of two public lectures (since 2012 these are available on YouTube) and a…

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From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 12 plays 0  

Firth Lecture 2018 Part 2 - Professor John Barclay

In this video, John Barclay, the Firth Lecturer for 2018, presented a fresh reading of grace and gift in Paul's theology – and especially what is found in 2 Corinthians. This shows us that…

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From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 11 plays 0  

A - Z of Theology; D is for Disciple

Prof. Tom O’Loughlin examines the various meanings of the word ‘disciple’ in early Christian discourse. #a2zoftheology Other videos you may wish to watch include; Why Study...the…

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 4 plays 0  

askatheologian; What are the Apocryphal Books?

Professor Tom O'Loughlin examines the various meanings of the word, 'apocrypha' in Christian discourse - and how it can never be used in a neutral sense.

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 7 plays 0  

askatheologian; What is the Agrapha?

Professor Tom O'Loughlin examines the various meanings of the word 'agrapha' in Christian discourse. Another video you want want to watch is; Why Study Jesus Christ with Roland Deines…

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 4 plays 0  

A - Z of Theology; A is for Apostle

Prof. Tom O’Loughlin examines the various meanings of the word ‘apostle’ in Christian discourse. #a2zoftheology

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From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 3 plays 0  

#askatheologian Why do we need chapters and verses?

Professor Tom O’Loughlin explains that the familiar chapters and verses – found in every printed bible – are to be viewed solely as a means of finding passages and particular…

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 10 plays 0  

The Christian Spinoza with Dominic Erdozain

Dr Dominic Erdozain argues that when one studies the words of Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) in the context of the religious life of seventeenth century Amsterdam and the people with whom he was in…

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From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 40 plays 0  

Why Study The Songs of the Old Testament with Peter Watts

Dr. Peter Watts draws attention to the number of songs and hymns that can be found in the books of the Hebrew Bible. The most famous collection of these is the Book of Psalms, but there are many more…

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From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Why Study Heresy in the Later Middle Ages with Rob Lutton

Dr. Rob Lutton introduces the value to the historian of studying groups and individuals who were given the label of ‘heretics’ in the later middle ages. These groups point to diversity in…

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From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 68 plays 0  

Why Study UnBelief

Dr John McDade questions the nature of modern unbelief. He sees is as generated from within an approach to the question of God which grew up among Christian theologians in the early modern period. In…

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From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 34 plays 0  

Why Study Biblical Studies with Peter Watts

Dr Peter Watts explores the range of approaches to the Bible that are encompassed in the term ‘biblical studies.’ He brings out that while the study of the Bible exists as part of…

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From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 22 plays 0