Search for tag: "songs"

πŸŽ„ The 12 Days of Christmas according to UoN πŸŽ„

Thanks to UoN A Capella Society for providing their beautiful voices! Check them out on Facebook: Singers from left to right: Lucy Bailey 3rd yr English and…

From  Paul Hodgson 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Christmas sing along... | #UoNVideoBox

Things have been getting festive in the VideoBox lately... Happy Christmas everyone :)

From  Paul Hodgson 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Why Study Ecclesiastes with Doug Ingram

Dr Doug Ingram and Dr Peter Watts look at one short and enigmatic biblical text: the Book of Ecclesiates – sometimes also called Qoheleth – and at the questions is poses not only to…

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From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 33 plays 0  

Why Study The Old Testament with Doug Ingram

Dr Doug Ingram and Dr Peter Watts look at the value of studying that diverse library of books that go to make up the Old Testament. This has a value as an exploration of people quite apart from its…

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From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 25 plays 0