Search for tag: "transport"

The ULTIMATE guide to Nottingham city

Take a tour of Nottingham city centre and find…

+21 More
From  Tom Travis 0 likes 7,526 plays 0  

Sustainability in Nottingham

From zero waste shops to kilo sales and low…

+6 More
From  Tom Travis 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Vlog: Transport in Nottingham

There are loads of different ways to get around…

+13 More
From  Tom Travis 0 likes 210 plays 0  

Discovery. For the world

Real world research. Real world impact. Our…

+16 More
From  Sophie Moyses 1 likes 2,608 plays 0  

#UoNFreshers - Getting Around

With all of the various transport options,…

From  Ryan Neal 0 likes 560 plays 0  

Pioneering a cleaner, greener future

As pressures mount to find cleaner energy…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 14 plays 0  

At the heart of a revolution in greener transport

Propulsion in transport is on the cusp of a…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 297 plays 0  

Emily Buddin - Using the skills from her geography degree in transport planning.

Emily talks about her interest in transport…

+5 More
From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 217 plays 0  

Student life at The University of Nottingham

First year Zoology student, James Smith, gives us…

From  Digital Communications 0 likes 19,093 plays 0