06:02duration 6 minutes 2 seconds
Introduction to Clinical Relevance
This video provides an overview to clinical…
03:07duration 3 minutes 7 seconds
Obtaining a blood sample from the jugular vein…
Obtaining a blood sample from the jugular vein and the cephalic vein
This video shows the process of jugular and…
01:25duration 1 minute 25 seconds
An introduction to blood sampling preparation and…
An introduction to blood sampling preparation and equipment
This video shows the preparation of equipment for…
04:12duration 4 minutes 12 seconds
Brightfield microscope set-up
How to set up a clinical microscope for viewing…
00:17duration 17 seconds
Thyroid and parathyroid glands of the horse
00:54duration 54 seconds
Pituitary gland of the sheep as an example of the…
Pituitary gland of the sheep as an example of the mammalian pituitary gland
00:33duration 33 seconds
Pineal gland of the sheep as an example of the…
Pineal gland of the sheep as an example of the mammalian pineal gland
00:39duration 39 seconds
Adrenal glands of the ox
00:30duration 30 seconds
Thyroid and parathyroid glands of the dog
00:20duration 20 seconds
Uterus and ovaries in the bitch
00:11duration 11 seconds
Testes of the dog
00:29duration 29 seconds
Thyroid glands of the dog
00:35duration 35 seconds
Pancreas of the dog
00:28duration 28 seconds
Adrenal glands of the dog
16:14duration 16 minutes 14 seconds
General physical examination procedure for common…
General physical examination procedure for common exotic and small mammal species
02:08duration 2 minutes 8 seconds
Hoof growth demonstration
03:48duration 3 minutes 48 seconds
Coat brushing/combing for microscopy sample and…
Coat brushing/combing for microscopy sample and wet paper test
01:12duration 1 minute 12 seconds
Hair plucking technique
00:58duration 58 seconds
Wet paper test for fleas
01:20duration 1 minute 20 seconds
Wood's lamp skin examination
01:27duration 1 minute 27 seconds
Tape strip cytology
Superficial skin scraping
00:52duration 52 seconds
Staining a tape strip with methylene blue only
01:41duration 1 minute 41 seconds
Staining a tape strip with eosin and methylene…
Staining a tape strip with eosin and methylene blue
02:31duration 2 minutes 31 seconds
Staining ear cytology slides or impression smears…
Staining ear cytology slides or impression smears using the rack method
01:49duration 1 minute 49 seconds
Staining ear cytology slides or impression smears using the dip method
01:45duration 1 minute 45 seconds
McKenzie coat brushing technique
01:06duration 1 minute 6 seconds
Impression smear sampling
01:07duration 1 minute 7 seconds
Ear cytology sampling
02:51duration 2 minutes 51 seconds
Coat brushing and combing
01:15duration 1 minute 15 seconds
Deep skin scraping
00:21duration 21 seconds
Thyroid palpation
01:39duration 1 minute 39 seconds
Blood sampling in the horse: Dos and Don'ts
07:35duration 7 minutes 35 seconds
Staining ear cytology slides and examination…
Staining ear cytology slides and examination under a microscope
06:56duration 6 minutes 56 seconds
Performing an otoscopic exam in the dog
04:58duration 4 minutes 58 seconds
Otoscopy instruments used for small animal ear…
Otoscopy instruments used for small animal ear examinations
00:10duration 10 seconds
Radiograph of the tympanic bullae: Alternative…
Radiograph of the tympanic bullae: Alternative view
Radiograph of the right bullae: Right lateral…
Radiograph of the right bullae: Right lateral oblique view
00:15duration 15 seconds
Radiograph of the skull: Dorsoventral view
00:08duration 8 seconds
Radiograph of the tympanic bullae: Open mouth…
Radiograph of the tympanic bullae: Open mouth rostrocaudal
00:50duration 50 seconds
Administering an intramuscular injection
00:59duration 59 seconds
Administering an intradermal injection
01:48duration 1 minute 48 seconds
Administering a subcutaneous injection
02:48duration 2 minutes 48 seconds
Setting up a microscope for oil immersion