Search for tag: "vets4069"

Equine large intestinal anatomy and colic

This short video uses the Vienna horse model to outline the normal anatomy of the large intestines, and how they become displaced and twist within the abdomen. This video supports the clinical…

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From  Sarah Freeman 0 likes 80 plays 0  

Forelimb palpation in the horse: Foot

This video demonstrates examination of the foot in the horse and should be referred to during Year 4 teaching.

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From  Sarah Freeman 0 likes 310 plays 0  

Forelimb palpation in the horse: Distal limb

This video demonstrates palpation of the distal limb in the horse and should be referred to during Year 4 teaching. We recommend you view the 'Forelimb palpation in the horse: Foot' video…

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From  Sarah Freeman 0 likes 388 plays 0  

Forelimb palpation in the horse: Antebrachium and carpus

This video demonstrates palpation of the antebrachium and carpus in the horse and should be referred to during Year 4 teaching. We recommend you view the 'Forelimb palpation in the horse: Distal…

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From  Sarah Freeman 0 likes 368 plays 0  

Forelimb palpation in the horse: Elbow and shoulder

This video demonstrates palpation of the scapula, shoulder and elbow in the horse and should be referred to during Year 4 teaching. We recommend you view the 'Forelimb palpation in the horse:…

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From  Sarah Freeman 0 likes 402 plays 0  

Use of rebreathing bag in the horse

This video shows use of a rebreathing bag in the horse to increase respiratory depth and effort and enhance auscultation of the respiratory tract. Some horses may not tolerate this procedure, so only…

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From  Sarah Freeman 0 likes 185 plays 0  

Respiratory examination in the horse

This video shows examination of the upper and lower respiratory tract in the horse.

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From  Sarah Freeman 0 likes 205 plays 0  

Peritoneal tap procedure in the horse

This video shows the procedure of sampling peritoneal fluid in a horse using the clinical skills model. The procedure shown in this video shows using an approach applicable to the field situation,…

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From  Sarah Freeman 0 likes 247 plays 0  

Nasogastric intubation in the horse

This video shows the procedure of passing a nasogastric tube in a horse, using the clinical skills model. Make sure in the live horse you wear a hard hat and have an assistant restraining the horse,…

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From  Sarah Freeman 0 likes 275 plays 0  

Rectal palpation in the horse

This video shows the procedure of rectal palpation in the horse, performed on a brood mare for a pregnancy examination. The video highlights the key aspects of safety and restraint, and shows the…

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From  Sarah Freeman 0 likes 331 plays 0  

Gastrointestinal anatomy in the horse

This video gives an overview of gastrointestinal anatomy in the horse, using the SVMS fabric model and a live horse. The first sections are a basic overview and introduction. The final sections…

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From  Sarah Freeman 0 likes 546 plays 0