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The First World War was the single most important event is shaping modern European society. In this video Dr Stuart Bell discusses the myths that grew up about the Great War and religion.
Prof. Tom O’Loughlin examines what is meant by the word ‘myth’
when used by theologians and he argues that myths are sets of symbols that are
transparent for transfinite…
Professor Johannes Hoff – from Heythrop College in London – gave the 2013 Bonaventure lecture and proposed the case that modern theology needs to radically re-examine its assumptions…
Dr. Peter Watts points out that embedded in many of the earliest Christian documents, such as the letters in the New Testament, there are pieces of poetry that were probably originally hymns sung by…
Dr. Peter Watts draws attention to the number of songs and hymns that can be found in the books of the Hebrew Bible. The most famous collection of these is the Book of Psalms, but there are many more…