10:46duration 10 minutes 46 seconds
Why Study Transcendentals with Conor Cunningham
Conor Cunningham looks at the intimate connection…
09:31duration 9 minutes 31 seconds
Why Study Phenomenology with Conor Cunningham
Conor Cunningham introduces one of the great…
09:51duration 9 minutes 51 seconds
Why Study Phenomenology and The Turn to Religion
Conor Cunningham introduces the work of the…
10:38duration 10 minutes 38 seconds
Why Study Life Before Death with Conor Cunningham
Conor Cunningham introduces the issue of theism…
11:40duration 11 minutes 40 seconds
Seminar and Lecture Series; What is theology:…
Seminar and Lecture Series; What is theology: telling the story with an apple with Conor Cunningham
Dr Conor Cunningham tells the story of the ways…
14:46duration 14 minutes 46 seconds
Why Study Arius of Alexandria with Mary Cunningham
Dr Mary Cunningham explores what we know of Arius…