Search for tag: "employer"

Applying for jobs outside academia - the recruiter's viewpoint (1/3)

Gain an insight into the information needs of the…

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From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 253 plays 0  

Nottingham Consultancy Challenge - working on a research project for Romax Technology

Carlos Bianco, Head of Commercial Operations,…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 58 plays 0  

How The Vine Community Centre benefited from our student consultants

Cheryl Hemmings, Centre Manager and Rupert…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 119 plays 0  

The value of an internship

Aaron Dicks, Managing Director of Impression and…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Nottingham Internship Scheme - Having an intern to focus on our exhibition redesign

Jamie Duff, Heritage Officer at Green's Mill…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 151 plays 0  

Nottingham Internship Scheme - Helping students to build their CV

Ross Davies, Director at Strafe Creative, talks…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 89 plays 0  

Nottingham Internship Scheme - Bringing fresh ideas and skills to build the business

Emma Brown, Head of Project Management at…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 218 plays 0  

Nottingham Internship Scheme - Recruiting new talent for the business

Aaron Dicks, Managing Director at Impression,…

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From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 521 plays 0  

Summer Internships Scheme - Instantview

Mark Habgood, CEO at Instantview and Nick…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 313 plays 0  

Introductory video to the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies at The University of Nottingham

This is an introductory video to the School of…

From  Hua Geddes 0 likes 360 plays 0  

Summer internship - ATG

Gary King from ATG Global, and James Carter and…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 424 plays 0