Search for tag: "imaging"

Foetal heart beat: 32 day canine pregnancy

A short scan of a canine abdomen with 32 day foetuses shown and visual appreciation of foetal heart beats. Note: this video has no associated audio.

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From  Phillip Hammond 0 likes 88 plays 0  

Future Food | building a rhizotron system: time-lapse

A time-lapse video of the assembly process of building a rhizotron system - part of the Future Food Beacon. For more information visit:…

From  Jacqueline Anderson 1 likes 95 plays 0  

An introduction to the Ionomics Facility

An introduction to the Ionomics facility - part of the Future Food Beacon For more information visit:

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From  Tristan Dew 2 likes 84 plays 0  

CT scan of canine: Session 1 (DV view)

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From  Emma Drinkall 0 likes 896 plays 0  

CT scan of canine: Session 1 (Transverse view)

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From  Emma Drinkall 0 likes 713 plays 0  

CT scan of canine: Session 2 (Transverse view)

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From  Emma Drinkall 0 likes 63 plays 0  

Ancient DNA Facility - part one (the plan)

The first of three films in a series looking at the development of a new Ancient DNA facility, at UoN. For more information visit:

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From  Tristan Dew 1 likes 81 plays 0  

An Introduction to the MakerSpace

An introduction to the MakerSpace - part of the Future Food Beacon. For more information visit:

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From  Tristan Dew 1 likes 127 plays 0  

#WeAreUoN Elena's story

Dr Elena Boto is exploring a neuroimaging technique called Magnetoencephalography (MEG). Elena's research is focused on developing the next generation of functional brain imaging technology and…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 250 plays 0  

Smart sensor bandage for chronic wounds

University of Nottingham researchers have secured a major grant to develop a smart wound dressing embedded with optical fibre sensors to assess whether affected tissue is healing well or is infected.…

From  Emma Lowry 0 likes 198 plays 0  

Wild Campus – photographing our #BeastsofUoN

Wildlife photographer and University of Nottingham graduate Jusep Moreno takes us to some of the key areas around campus to discover wildlife. Jusep is an MSc Biological Photography and Imaging…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 59 plays 0  

UoN The Hidden Half: Grapevine

Grapevine (Vitis) from the plant family Vitaceae is a flowing vine plant with 79 different species and is an economically important source of grapes, both for the consumption of the fruit itself…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 493 plays 0  

UoN The Hidden Half: Wild Pea

Pisum sativum is more commonly known as the pea plant. These plants are well known for growing peas in pods which are the plant’s fruit. This is an important crop now grown in many parts of…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 171 plays 0  

UoN The Hidden Half: Ageotropum Pea

Pisum sativum is more commonly known as the pea plant. These plants are well known for growing peas in pods which are the plant’s fruit. This is an important crop now grown in many parts of…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 137 plays 0  

UoN The Hidden Half: Spinach

Spinach, Spinacia oleracea, is a flower that is best known for its edible leaves. It is thought the plant originated in Iran and then moved across the world until finally reaching the UK in the…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 162 plays 0  

UoN The Hidden Half: Alpine Strawberry

Wild alpine strawberry, Fragaria vesca, is one of 20 different strawberry species. The most common strawberry found in the supermarket is a cross between two species, fragaria and ananassa, and…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 185 plays 0  

UoN The Hidden Half: Rocket

Rocket, Eruca sativa, is also known as arugula in America. This edible plant is in the Brassicaceae family which includes many well-known plants such as broccoli and kale. It has been part of our…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 58 plays 0  

UoN The Hidden Half: Asparagus

Asparagus, Asparagus officinalis, is a well-known spring vegetable enjoyed since ancient times. A recipe including asparagus is included in one of the first known recipe books written by the…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 191 plays 0  

Psychology 360 facilities tour

Take a look around the range of facilities and study spaces available to our Psychology students.

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From  Tom Travis 0 likes 136 plays 0  

UoN The Hidden Half: Freesia

This X-ray CT scanned Freesia is from the species Fressia alba which is native to the cape of South Africa. Freesias are known for their funnel shaped flowers and are part of the Iris family. The…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 176 plays 0  

UoN The Hidden Half: Calico Hearts(Adromischus maculatus)

Adromischis maculatus is commonly known as Calico Hearts or Chocolate drops due to their spotted leaves. These plants are known as succulents as the leaves are thickened and fleshy in order to…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 132 plays 0  

UoN The Hidden Half: Tomato

Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum, is a member of the nightshade family of plants which is well known for being poisonous. Luckily for all tomato lovers the fruit does not contain any poison. Tomato…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 430 plays 0  

UoN The Hidden Half: Sugar Beet

Sugar beet, Beta vulgaris, grows a root that contains a high percentage of sucrose and therefore is used to produce sugar. The first factory devoted to producing sugar for these beet plants was…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 449 plays 0  

UoN The Hidden Half: Pea (Kelvedon Wonder)

Pisum sativum is more commonly known as the pea plant. These plants are well known for growing peas in pods which are the plants fruit. This is an important crop now grown in many parts of the…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 329 plays 0  

UoN The Hidden Half: Norway Spruce

Picea abies, Norway spruce, is a coniferous pine tree best known as a Christmas tree! Every Christmas Norway provides London with a Norway Spruce for Trafalgar Square. This tree is native to most…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 415 plays 0  

UoN The Hidden Half: Maize

Maize (Zea mays), also known as corn, is one of the most widely grown and widely eaten crops. It is a grass that forms large ears full of kernels, which are sweet corn when eaten in the un-ripe…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 700 plays 0  

UoN The Hidden Half: Date Palm (Lulu) - Growth over time

Phoenix dactylifera, commonly known as date palm, is well known for its sweet fruit. This flowering plant is in the palm family Arecaceae. Date palm trees grow 20m tall and have large leaves that…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 1,291 plays 0  

UoN The Hidden Half: Congo Grass (Brachiaria ruziziensis)

Brachiaria ruziziensis, known as congo grass, is a tropical grass. In the tropics it is one of the most common feeds for livestock. The grass is native to Rwanda and Eastern Congo but can now be…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 202 plays 0  

UoN The Hidden Half: Bean (Tio canela)

This Tepary bean, Phaseolus acutifolius, is native to Mexico and can grow in extremely dry conditions. Bean and pea plants both belong to the same family of plants and are grown all over the world…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 159 plays 0  

UoN Hounsfield Facility: Lego Movie

The Hounsfield Facility at the University of Nottingham Sutton Bonington campus houses our state-of-the-art X-ray computed tomography (CT) technology. This enables scientists to explore the internal…

From  Brian Atkinson 0 likes 151 plays 0  

Join our Superhero Walk

Grab your capes and join our 5km family friendly fancy-dress walk at University Park to help children battling brain tumours. Register yourself or a group and start your fundraising today! Date: 1…

From  Thomas Hills 0 likes 312 plays 0  

The Future of Research Excellence and Global Impact

Securing sustainable food supplies, ending slavery and developing greener transport systems, are three of six most pressing global challenges the University of Nottingham on the 22 June 2017 set…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 126 plays 0  

Transforming healthcare with pioneering imaging

The University of Nottingham is the home of MRI and has an internationally leading position in biomedical imaging research. We aim to establish the University as a powerhouse for imaging in…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 479 plays 0  

Securing the future of food

Our multidisciplinary research tackles one of the key challenges facing the planet: how do we feed ourselves as the growing global population puts unsustainable pressure on the world's…

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From  Robert Ounsworth 0 likes 96 plays 0  

The teenage brain – work in progress

The University of Nottingham is involved in a European wide study which aims to identify and learn more about the biological and environmental factors that might influence mental health in teenagers.…

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From  Elizabeth Cass 0 likes 228 plays 0  

Imaging the Brain to Examine Mental and Physical Illnesses

The Magnetic Resonance Centre at the University of Nottingham is helping to plot the brain paths of patients with mental and physical illnesses such as schizophrenia, with access to some of the best…

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From  Digital Communications 0 likes 67 plays 0