Search for tag: "is"

This is the place where...

This is the place where...the world comes to change it. A place bound by spirit, not barriers or borders. Where the brightest sparks light up the future before us. This is the place a world beyond…

From  Phill Rostron 0 likes 79 plays 0  

Normal Never Changed the World: Join the University of Nottingham in 2022

Going to university in 2022? Join the world-renowned University of Nottingham for exceptional teaching and student experience. A place where we don’t settle for ordinary, average, everyday -…

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From  Debs Storey 0 likes 8,065 plays 0  

THIS IS ME - #NottsPride

This year's Nottinghamshire Pride takes place on Saturday 27 July 2019, find out more at To celebrate #NottsPride and our diverse community, University…

From  Paul Hodgson 0 likes 24 plays 0  

🚘 Christmas CARaoke 🎀 All I want for Christmas is you... 🎁 #mashup

It's an All I Want for Christmas is you CARaoke mashup featuring groups from UoN A Capella society including: RadioOctave, Unplugged, Acapocalypse and Men to Boys. Check out the A Capella…

From  Paul Hodgson 0 likes 12 plays 0  

A-Z of Theology; Q is for Q

Prof. Tom O’Loughlin introduces the document known in studies of the gospel as “Q”. Q refers to the material that is common to the gospels of Matthew and Luke (apart from the…

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Smart bar for all your IT needs

Got an IT problem? Why not drop into the Smart Bar. Staff from Information Services and Student IT tutors are on hand to offer help and advice in all things IT. Whether you need help with anything…

From  Debs Storey 1 likes 41 plays 0  

There is a pleasure in the pathless woods

'There is a pleasure in the pathless woods' is an exhibition by Nottingham based artist Tristram Aver. In this video he tells us how the notion of 'Britishness' is explored in his…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 11 plays 0