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03:41duration 3 minutes 41 seconds
How to upload a recording into Moodle, then add /…
How to upload a recording into Moodle, then add / edit captions
This 3mins 41 secs video covers how to upload a video into Moodle, and how to add then edit captions to a video in Moodle
00:26duration 26 seconds
#UoNFreshers - Getting started academically
We can help you prepare to start your studies, Watch the video to find out more about the guidance available.
38:10duration 38 minutes 10 seconds
Turnitin - set up and marking, with Alvaro…
Turnitin - set up and marking, with Alvaro Roberts (4 June 2015) - ARCHIVE
Moodle Bytes Turnitin - set up and marking, with Alvaro Roberts: Thurday 4 June 2015
47:32duration 47 minutes 32 seconds
Groups and Groupings webinar
This is the recording of a webinar I delivered on 12th May 2015
00:30duration 30 seconds
Making a module available to students
Moodle Help: Making a module available to students
02:54duration 2 minutes 54 seconds
Introduction to Moodle for Students
Introduction to Moodle for Students Video about Moodle created by students for students