Search for tag: "old testament"

Why Study Memories in the Hebrew Bible with Marian Kelsey

Dr Marian Kelsey examines how the memories of the Hebrew Bible are structured, using the memory of the patriarch Jacob as an example. The thumbnail image for this video is used under the CC0 licence…

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 8 plays 0  

Why Study Theology with Dr Marian Kelsey

Dr Marian Kelsey answers the age-old question; "Why Study Theology?" with an argument that Biblical Studies is actually far more interesting than Theology! The image used in the thumbnail…

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 12 plays 0  

Objects of Belief; Stone Vessels with Roland Deines

Anyone who has heard of the Marriage Feast at Cana (Gospel of John 2:1-11) has heard of ‘the six stone jars, for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty…

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 22 plays 0  

Why Study Ancient Galilee with Roland Deines

Prof. Roland Deines explores the ways that the study of ancient Galilee, around the time of Jesus, can throw light on the historical Jesus and the origins of his movement as we hear of it in the…

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Why Study Theology in the Arts with Doug Ingram

Why bother with the study of theology in a university? Why bother with the study of religion – if you do not consider yourself religious? These are the questions address by two theologians…

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Why Study The Book of Jonah with Dr Doug Ingram

The Book of Jonah, one of the shortest texts in the Bible, is often seen as a simple short story – and it is this, but it is also something more. The argument of Dr Doug Ingram in this video…

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 36 plays 0  

Why Study Violence in the Hebrew Bible with Tarah Van De Wiele

Many people think that the Hebrew Bible / the Old Testament is simply packed full with violent episodes! Dr Carly Crouch and Tarah Van De Wiele discuss this perception and ask how best way to…

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 18 plays 0  

A Walk Throuth the Old Testament Part 4 with Margaret Barker

Christians use a vast library of Jewish writings from the time before Jesus in their worship, reflection, and study – and they call this library ‘the Old Testament.’ In this video…

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Why Study Hebrew with Peter Watts

Peter Watts explores why it is valuable for someone studying theology to gain a working knowledge of the Hebrew language. It sees it as a key tool in the theologian’s toolkit. You might also…

From  Anne Smart 0 likes 5 plays 0