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This isn’t the start to the academic year that any of us were expecting, but at the University of Nottingham, we’re used to dealing with the unexpected. Extraordinary is what you make it.…
On A Level results day Honor didn't get the grades she hoped for. Find out how going through clearing helped her to go from feeling disappointed that she'd missed her grades, to studying a…
On A Level results day Emma did BETTER than she'd expected in her results.Find out how she went from not having applied to University at all to studying Psychology through clearing.…
On A Level results day Gabriel realised that he wanted to do a DIFFERENT course to the one he'd applied for. Find out how he changed his course from Chemical Engineering to Economics through…
Undergraduate student Emily gives us a tour of her catered accommodation, Cavendish Hall on University Park Campus. Watch more hall tours here: out more about accommodation…
Undergraduate student Chaitanya gives us a tour of his catered accommodation, Willoughby Hall on University Park Campus. Watch more hall tours here: out more about…
September 1 at 11am sharp, the Hogwarts Express leaves Platform 9 3/4 packed full of students starting and returning to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Here are 7 ways we are just like…
We asked our students to give us an insight into what they love about accommodation at Nottingham. Visit for more.
Need a plan B? If you miss out on the grades you needed on A level Results Day, there might still be a place for you at the University of Nottingham. Honor shares her story and advice on how to…
Having second thoughts? If you change your mind about what you want to study and where, there might still be a place for you at the University of Nottingham. Gabriel shares his experience and advice…
Wish you’d aimed higher? If you get better grades than you expected on A level Results Day, there might still be a place for you at the University of Nottingham. Emma shares her experience and…