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Despite the passing of 500 years, the ideas of the Reformation are still exerting their influence on theology today. So argues Dr Simeon Zahl in this video where he notes that while these ideas are…
Dr Simeon Zahl explores what are the distinctive characteristics of Protestant theology. In years gone by this would have been expressed as the proposition ‘it is acceptance of the doctrine of…
Martin Luther (1483-1546) is the most famous of the sixteenth-century reformers who began his attach on the practices of the Catholic Church five centuries ago in 1517. Here Dr Simeon Zahl looks at…
There are many definitions of theology and in this video Dr Simeon Zahl shared his view of what he does as a theologian and why he thinks it important. He sees himself as engaging in a formal manner…
Dr Simeon Zahl describes his experience, as an American, of
celebrating a relatively modern festival: Thanksgiving in the United States of America.A similar video from the Sacred Calendars…