Search for tag: "academic"

Andrew Corcoran, MBA masters programmes interview

Andrew Corcoran talks MBA programmes at Nottingham University Business School.

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From  Debs Storey 0 likes 736 plays 0  

Natalie Leesakul, Law masters programmes interview

Natalie Leesakul talks Law masters programmes, emerging technology laws and modules at the University of Nottingham.

+39 More
From  Debs Storey 0 likes 555 plays 0  

Isobel O'Neil, Entrepreneurship masters programmes interview

Isobel O'Neil talks Entrepreneurship masters programmes, the Ingenuity Lab and teaching at the University of Nottingham.

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Glyn Lawson, Engineering masters programmes interview

Glyn Lawson talks Engineering masters programme at the University of Nottingham, as well as research and career development.

+42 More
From  Debs Storey 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Kei Li, EEE Engineering masters programmes interview

Kei Li talks EEE Engineering masters programmes at the University of Nottingham.

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From  Debs Storey 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Rahul Mukherjee, Economics masters programmes interview

Rahul Mukherjee talks Economics masters programmes at the University of Nottingham.

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From  Debs Storey 0 likes 187 plays 0  

Colin Johnson, Computer Science masters programmes interview

Colin Johnson talks Computer Science masters programmes and your student experience at the University of Nottingham.

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 219 plays 0  

Thanaset Chevapatrakul, Business masters programmes interview

Thanaset Chevapatrakul talks Business masters programmes at the University of Nottingham.

+40 More
From  Debs Storey 0 likes 3,604 plays 0  

Research in the Department of History: Dr Tarik Oumazzane | History | University of Nottingham

Research in the Department of History: Dr Tarik Oumazzane discussing Middle Eastern and North African Studies with Dr Richard Goddard. Discover our expertise - …

From  Rebecca Weaver 0 likes 20 plays 0  

Interview with Clinical Nutrition MSc student Sarah

Interview with Sarah about being a Clinical Nutrition MSc student and the Bioscience Symposium.

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 27 plays 0  

Meet your Student Academic Skills team

The Student Academic Skills team supports students in developing the skills they need to be more confident in their studies.

+6 More
From  Emma Halford-Busby 0 likes 391 plays 0  

Denise Sweeney, T and L Conference 2019

Denise Sweeney talks about academic reflection.

+1 More
From  Sally Hanford 0 likes 31 plays 0  

Academic CVs - final thoughts (5/5)

Explore our final thoughts on developing an academic CV and what you can do next. This is the fifth video in the series and if you want to have your CV reviewed, book an appointment at…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 160 plays 0  

Academic CVs - other academic duties (4/5)

In this fourth video in the series of five, the focus is on other academic duties and responsibilities that you will want to reference in your CV. We provide plenty of examples of the types of…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 172 plays 0  

Academic CVs - teaching section (3/5)

In this video, the third in a series of five, you will see examples of the type of experience you could include in the teaching section of your academic CV. This can include delivering seminars and…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 193 plays 0  

Academic CVs - research section (2/5)

In this second video in a series of five, find out what content to include in the research section. She offers advice on how to present your research and the type of evidence you should include in…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 279 plays 0  

Academic CVs - an introduction (1/5)

In this first video in a series of five short videos, find out how to structure your academic CV and why it's important to keep it up to date. For tips and pointers on developing content for…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 357 plays 0  

PhD in Translational Imaging (School of Medicine)

Dr Shahideh Safavi, Clinical Assistant Professor in the Division of Respiratory Medicine, School of Medicine, speaks about studying for a PhD in Translational Imaging at the University of Nottingham,…

+4 More
From  Phill Rostron 0 likes 150 plays 0  

Discover our world at our Malaysia Campus

Discover our world at our Malaysia Campus where the extraordinary happens every day.

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 156 plays 0  

Discover our world at our Ningbo Campus

Discover our world at our Ningbo Campus where the extraordinary happens everyday.

From  Paul Hodgson 0 likes 5,249 plays 0  

Advice for medical students considering academic medicine

Nick Raine-Fenning, Consultant Gynaecologist and Reader at the University talks about how he became an academic and provides advice to medical students who may be considering academic medicine as an…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 188 plays 0  

BMBS Medicine - an overview from our academics

Our academics give and overview of Medicine at Nottingham, including advice on how to apply.

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From  Debs Storey 0 likes 1,604 plays 0  

Student Services at The University of Nottingham

Watch the video to find out about Student Services at The University of Nottingham. Familiarise yourself with how and where to get help with issues related to your course and to the wider University…

+30 More
From  Debs Storey 0 likes 1,375 plays 0  

Student Services at The University of Nottingham

Watch the video to find out about Student Services at The University of Nottingham. Familiarise yourself with how and where to get help with issues related to your course and to the wider University…

From  Ryan Neal 0 likes 2,309 plays 0  

Academic Bookweek 2015 Booksprint

Video of the 3 day booksprint by School of English students, November 2015 Blogs, vlogs and advice for and by new and current students can be found…

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From  Everdien Wood 0 likes 104 plays 0  

Comparing teaching in the UK to teaching abroad

A video about comparing teaching in the UK to teaching abroad.

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From  Digital Communications 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Making the Development of Employability Skills more Obvious to Students

Jo Robinson explains how the School of English helps students to tailor their studies to develop a wide range of skills for their future careers.

From  brzlh 0 likes 25 plays 0  

Improving Feedback Quality and Students' Use of Feedback

Jo Robinson describes how she, and colleagues, give feedback to students via audio commentaries on their essays and how students make use of that feedback in future work.

From  brzlh 0 likes 21 plays 0  

The Transition to, and through, University Study

Dr Jo Robinson talks about the connections between developing students' subject-specific and academic skills and the skills that will help them into employment.

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From  brzlh 0 likes 47 plays 0  

Embedding Study Skills into the International Media and Communications Degree

Dr Eva Giraud of the Department of Culture, Film and Media, explains how a new module has been designed to help students to develop their research and essay-writing abilities in preparation for their…

From  brzlh 0 likes 264 plays 0  

Developing Independent Thinking through Student-Lead Activities

Dr Nick Thomas describes how giving students the responsibility to lead seminars helps them to develop important academic and transferrable skills.

From  brzlh 0 likes 48 plays 0