Zixuan talks about their career aspirations and…
Uduakobong talks about their career aspirations…
Yihao talks about their career aspirations and…
Liam talks about their career aspirations and…
Xinyi talks about their career aspirations and…
Liam talks about their career aspirations and…
Jiaxin talks about their career aspirations and…
Jialei talks about their career aspirations and…
Archa talks about their career aspirations and…
Archa talks about their career aspirations and…
Li talks about their career aspirations and…
We're proud to be the 3rd most targeted…
Lauren studied politics and American studies,…
The University of Nottingham supports students in…
Do you need advice about interviews, writing…
Measuring progress and rewarding yourself when…
Tired of people asking, what’s next and not…
Kiri Granger, PhD psychology alumna from…
Dr Josephine Welham talks about why she decided…
Alumna Katy Hogg talks about her career path…
Sarah Johns, Project Manager and animal sciences…
Adam Harrison, a Nottingham alumnus, talks about…
Nerissa Culli, neuroscience student, joined the…
Amy Prosser, Senior Scientist at Sygnature…
Professor Karen Cox, Deputy Vice-Chancellor…
Karen Cox, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the…
Mature student Hannah teamed up with her friend…
Richard Watton, who works for The Sports…
Anne McLaren and Nottingham Research…
Nadia talks about her interest in politics and…
Our competitive, internally funded fellowships…
Our competitive, internally funded fellowships…
Our competitive, internally funded fellowships…
Our competitive, internally funded fellowships…
John Hess, worked for BBC East Midlands Today…
John Hess, worked for BBC East Midlands Today…
During Emma's third year of her PhD…
When Emma decided she wanted to move into…
Alasdair is the Industry Programme Manager at The…
Alasdair is the Industry Programme Manager at The…
Alasdair is the Industry Programme Manager at The…
Chris McDonald, Principal at Golder Associates,…
Emily talks about her interest in transport…
Victoria talks about how she used the Careers and…
Victoria talks about her role as Senior Editor at…
Carl talks about how the Careers and…
Carl talks about how his interest in writing…
Emma talks about the career choices she made…
Peter studied a PhD in Organic Chemistry and now…
Alexander studied mechanical engineering and now…
Amy talks about her role at Sygnature Discovery…
Amy talks about her role as a Senior Scientist at…
Amy, talks about her role in the Bioscience…
Roger offers advice to students considering a…
Carwyn started his career as a medical sales rep…
Joe talks about his role as Commercial Finance…
Alison Lambert on Careers
Dr Yvonne Mbaki talks about reasons to study…
Employers talk about the skills Arts students can…
Judith talks about the variety of skills she…
Andy talks about his experiences of studying…
Andy talks about the benefits of studying an Arts…