Search for tag: "genetics"

Why study Genetics? - Short

Genetics tutor, Sara Goodacre, talks about why you should study one of our genetics courses:…

From  Laura Estrop 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Genetics Teaching Styles with Sara Goodacre - Short

Genetics tutor, Sara Goodacre, talks about the teaching styles and how you will learn on a genetics degree:…

From  Laura Estrop 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Genetics Course and Modules with Sara Goodacre - Short

Genetics tutor, Sara Goodacre, talks about the genetics course and the modules available on the genetics degree:…

From  Laura Estrop 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Genetics Careers with Sara Goodacre - Short

Genetics tutor, Sara Goodacre, talks about the careers available to you after completing a genetics degree:…

From  Laura Estrop 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Biology modules and course with Tom Reader - Short

Biology, Genetics and Zoology Course Lead, Tom Reader, talks about the course and modules available on a biology degree:…

From  Laura Estrop 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Biology Group Academic Expertise with Tom Reader - Short

Biology, Genetics and Zoology Course Lead, Tom Reader, talks about the academic specialisms of the tutors on the biology group courses:…

From  Laura Estrop 0 likes 8 plays 0  

Future Food | building a rhizotron system: time-lapse

A time-lapse video of the assembly process of building a rhizotron system - part of the Future Food Beacon. For more information visit:…

From  Jacqueline Anderson 1 likes 95 plays 0  

An introduction to the Ionomics Facility

An introduction to the Ionomics facility - part of the Future Food Beacon For more information visit:

From  Tristan Dew 2 likes 79 plays 0  

Ancient DNA Facility - part one (the plan)

The first of three films in a series looking at the development of a new Ancient DNA facility, at UoN. For more information visit:

From  Tristan Dew 1 likes 74 plays 0  

An Introduction to the MakerSpace

An introduction to the MakerSpace - part of the Future Food Beacon. For more information visit:

From  Tristan Dew 1 likes 111 plays 0  

Bolster your application to the Scientific Training Programme

It's very competitive to get on the NHS Scientific Training Programme and if you've been rejected, don't give up apply again. Cara McKenzie, Trainee Healthcare Scientist and genetics…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 127 plays 0  

Applying for the NHS Scientific Training Programme (STP)

Cara McKenzie, Trainee Healthcare Scientists and genetics alumna, gives advice on applying for the STP including how to find work experience and how to successfully navigate the interview process.

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 198 plays 0  

Genetics | advice, campus and celebrity snails!

Abigail tells us what she enjoys about studying genetics plus tips for applicants and new students.

From  Georgina Barclay 0 likes 66 plays 0  

Join our Superhero Walk

Grab your capes and join our 5km family friendly fancy-dress walk at University Park to help children battling brain tumours. Register yourself or a group and start your fundraising today! Date: 1…

From  Thomas Hills 0 likes 312 plays 0  

Securing the future of food

Our multidisciplinary research tackles one of the key challenges facing the planet: how do we feed ourselves as the growing global population puts unsustainable pressure on the world's…

From  Robert Ounsworth 0 likes 96 plays 0  

Alumna Amy Prosser talks about her role as Senior Scientist at Sygnature Discovery

Amy, talks about her role in the Bioscience Department and the experience and skills needed to work in this area.

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 57 plays 0  

Lonely ‘lefty’ seeks mate for love – and genetic study

Scientists at The University of Nottingham hoping to study the genetics of an ultra-rare garden snail are asking the public for its help in finding the lonely mollusc a mate. The…

From  Faith Pring 0 likes 5,461 plays 0  

The teenage brain – work in progress

The University of Nottingham is involved in a European wide study which aims to identify and learn more about the biological and environmental factors that might influence mental health in teenagers.…

From  Elizabeth Cass 0 likes 228 plays 0  

Gunes Taylor - MSci Human Genetics

Gunes on why she’s fascinated by human genetics.

From  Digital Communications 0 likes 809 plays 0  

Belin Romero - PhD Genetics

Belin explains the support that she receives from her supervisor.

From  Digital Communications 0 likes 48 plays 0  

Harry Clifford - MSci Human Genetics

Harry talks about the teaching on his course.

From  Digital Communications 0 likes 376 plays 0