08:42duration 8 minutes 42 seconds
Why Study Church in the Furnace
In 1917, at the height of the First World War,…
14:19duration 14 minutes 19 seconds
G.A. Studdert-Kennedy the Man
‘Woodbine Willie’ – the…
09:48duration 9 minutes 48 seconds
Is Studdert-Kennedy relevant to the Twenty-first…
Is Studdert-Kennedy relevant to the Twenty-first Century?
Dr Stuart Bell argues that the early…
07:17duration 7 minutes 17 seconds
Why Study G.A. Studdert Kennedy with Stuart Bell
Famous to the British soldiers of the Great War…
08:20duration 8 minutes 20 seconds
Why Study Faith in Conflict? The Changes it…
Why Study Faith in Conflict? The Changes it brought to the Theology of Britain
The First World War was the single most important…