Theory and practical applications of learning using simulation, electronic media and learning technologies are taught on undergraduate and postgraduate modules in Medical Education at Cardiff University. Students develop an e-learning educational package, using Xerte, which is summatively assessed, scaffolded by group activities facilitated by the module teams. In preparation students learn about technology-enhanced learning through an exploration and analysis of examples and of published studies. Students then prototype and implement an e-learning package which demonstrates, through its design, that they have incorporated appropriate theoretical perspectives from medical education, the use of technology and reflection in learning. In doing so, elements of “hidden curriculum” are uncovered as students undertake tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills.
Students also submit a short essay in which they explain, in theoretical terms, the design they have selected for their e-Learning package and justify the approach they have taken. This is seen as example of authentic assessment through alignment to Ashford-Rowe et al’s (2014) practical framework and its 8 critical elements.
This session explores the staff and student experiences and reflections of delivering this module both in-person and via distance, e-learning for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.